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InDepth Dive Club - Try Scuba Diving.
Sub-Aqua Association Try A Dive

SAA Try-A-Dive

PADI - Professional Association of Diving Instructors.
PADI Approved Youth Training Centre.

Discover Scuba Diving Experience

How Much Will It Cost?


Pick either an SAA Try Dive or a PADI DSD for just £35!


We offer these Try dive Experiences fortnightly at Tewkesbury School Swimming Pool.


If you've always fancied having a go at scuba diving, but just never got around to it, or had a go in the past and feel like having another go, then InDepth Dive Club can help.


We have two distinct scuba diving experiences that we can offer you.


An SAA (Sub-Aqua Association) Try A Dive or a PADI DSD - Discover Scuba Diving Experience.

SAA Try Dive

The first time you take a breath underwater will be an experience you are unlikely to ever forget - and you will be surprised at just how much fun it is.


It's so easy to try scuba diving with InDepth,  throughout the year we offer Try-A-Dive sessions for first-timers on request at our regular Thursday evening club nights at Tewkesbury School Swimming Pool.

PADI Discover Scuba Diving Experience

If you’re interested in scuba diving, but unsure if you want to enroll on a full scuba diving course just yet, then the DSD - Discover Scuba Diving experience is the perfect way to test the waters. In a very short time, you will learn the basic scuba diving skills needed and take your very first breaths underwater!


During a Discover Scuba Diving experience, you can try scuba diving for the first time in a swimming pool or calm water environment. At InDepth we typically run our DSD experiences at Tewkesbury School Swimming Pool


InDepth Dive Club will provide all of the necessary equipment and one of our highly-trained PADI Professionals will explain the basic scuba diving skills and answer any questions you may have.


Once you've completed your DSD experience you can then continue your adventure by enrolling on an Open Water Diver course!

To view video with closed captions click HERE.

Register for a Scuba Diving Experience.

Please complete the form below and click 'Submit'.

Thank You For Enquiring.


Want to take your scuba diving experience further? 

To enrol on a course you will need to Join the club.

Click HERE to Join >>


— Tom Robbins

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